Saturday, 11 February 2012


Hi guys :)

So recently in class we were discussing why depression stats are so high and still increasing. The country that I live in, Norway, is one of the most rich countries in the world. But what is surprising is that Norway according to stats is one of the countries with the most depressed people in the world. So in my social class we were having this discussion about why it is like this. Obviously money doesn't buy happiness, but does having money make one unhappy? There are people in the world that are starving and would do anything for 50 cents for food, I do not think that having money automatically makes you sad, I think not having enough money the bills is obviously heartbreaking and difficult. Still I have never met as happy people than the ones I met in a slum that had nothing, how can they be so happy and we are not? No, I do not think it is the money that makes people unhappy, but money has contributed to shape a culture that is making us unhappy. In this culture there is A LOT of pressure and comparing.

Wow I realise that was a long intro to get to my point, but the point is I think that comparing and being competitive is a factor in what is depressing my nation, and maybe the entire western world. We are ungrateful and we feel like we have to compete with each other; who has the biggest house? Who has the nicest car? etc.

Anyway, when it comes to teenagers I think the same thing is going on, but with other things. We compare ourselves, and because we don't feel as good as others it makes us sad. "OH no, she has way more likes on facebook", "All the boys at school like her" also we compete in being the better person "I am so much more selfish than everybody", "My bestfriend is more funny than me". Or you know things similar to these. Nobody can be the best in everything so sometimes we feel like losers, like we are the worst at everything. This constantly not feeling good enough is very depressing.

Teen depression can be a result of many things, being a teen is hard. But when we started talking about that comparing could depress people, I really felt I could relate to it. So I thought maybe some of you also felt that way. If this is the case I encourage you to pray against comparing in your life. I've probably already written about comparing on this blog,  but I feel like this is important.

God never compares, so please don't compare yourself to anyone. You are special! You weren't made to be compared, people are too different and too individual to be compared. We are all precious in our own way! I know that it is hard, but remember that you are special and very very very loved!

You are precious <3

Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.