Monday, 7 March 2011

A friend that never fails...

Friends let us down. They hurt us, they ignore us, they make mistakes, they turn their backs. Being let down by a friend is horrible. Specially when it is intentional. For example that horrible feeling of being the only person not invited. It sucks! I hate when I feel unwanted and rejected and just in the way.

But even though all your friends are just humans that hurt and make mistakes. Your very best friend will never ever let you down! He always wants you, he never rejects you and he always wants to spend time with you. You are never alone. He always understands. God loves humans, but he doesn't like the bad things they do. When somebody is hurtful to you, he understands. God is the best friend you ever could get. 

So just remember, YOU ARE PRECIOUS, and God WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN. He is always here for you :)

I know I posted this verse before but I like it so much

Psalm 34:18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.


  1. This is truly a blogg by Gods heart!

  2. Wow! Thank you so much! You are precious :D God Bless :) <3
