Saturday 30 April 2011

Fairytale ending :)

Awww, the wedding was so beautiful! We watched it on a big screen in our class room this morning.

So today I'm going to talk about happy endings. I think all of us girls dream of living happily ever after. We all dream of prince charming. Am i right? Sometimes we stress about it and wonder if will ever will find a husband or have our dreams come true. I know I have said this a million times before but, God has a plan for YOU! A custom plan only you can fulfill. This may sound scary, I used to be scared to. "What if God's plan is strict and boring?!" "I don't want some bossy plan to follow" "What if he doesn't want me to chase my dreams?". I had all these thoughts. Now I know that God knows everything, and he knows the best way for you to live your life. His plan for your life is way more exciting and fun than anything you can do in your own power. He knows best! Remember from yesteday? GOD IS FAITHFUL. Trust him! If you trust him you will get an awesome life, better than any fairytale.

And as for you dreams, God was the one that put them in your heart. He can put even bigger dreams in your heart too, as long as you are not too scared to dream them. So if you dream with God! He has some awesome dreams for you.

My awesome science teacher once said "If you want to look back on your life when you are old, and feel like you have reached your goals, lived life to the fullest, done something with your life and made a difference you should act on everything God tells you and follow his plan for you. You will have no regrets"

So, that sums it up then :) And ladies, don't you worry about prince charming, God has planned that out to. He will send you a prince charming somewhere down the road, you don't need to panic :) I think not searching for you your happy ending and stressing about it is key to getting a happy ending. Trust God, you won't regret it!

Same verse as yesterday, but it is worth repeating :) 
Jeremiah 29:11: "For I knoe what plan I have for you" declares the Lord "Plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


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