Sunday, 8 May 2011

We don't understand, we trust :)

Sometimes we can get really frustrated with God, we have know idea what he is doing and we start questioning him. "Why doesn't he answer my prayers RIGHT NOW?" "Why does bad things happen to me?" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING GOD? ", "Why aren't you healing me? Do you want me to be sick?" "Why is this happening, why is that happening? URGH!"

There is no reason to be mad at God, because we are just humans, we don't have the same understanding as him. We never will! Imagine a HUGE cruise ship. Really really big! The biggest in the world! Imagine that the cruise ship is the universe. Our understanding would only be as big as a drop of water on the deck. Gods understanding would be bigger than the oceans the ship sailed on.

 God can see past, present and future. He truly KNOW and WANTS what is BEST for YOU! There is no reason to be stressed out or mad or scared. Because god has control. He knows what he is doing, he understands everything! The only thing we need to understand about the situation is that God is in control. We don't need to try to understand, we need to trust him!

TRUST that God knows what he is doing and will help you through the hard times. Trust that God does want to help you out and does help you out! Maybe in a different way that you had expected. Maybe he is doing something beyond our understanding.

Nahum 1:7: The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.

If you feel like this is something you struggle with, you are not alone! Even Jesus disciples struggled with this. Let's take a look at a story from the bible. I have posted this story before, so if you want to read more about it, click here. This is from Luke 8:22-25:

One day he and his disciples got in a boat. "Let's cross the lake," he said. And off they went. It was smooth sailing, and he fell asleep. A terrific storm came up suddenly on the lake. Water poured in, and they were about to capsize. They woke Jesus: "Master, Master, we're going to drown!"
   Getting to his feet, he told the wind, "Silence!" and the waves, "Quiet down!" They did it. The lake became smooth as glass.
 Then he said to his disciples, "Why can't you trust me?" (the Message)

So here we can see that disciples did not understand what was going on. They we're really scared and thought Jesus didn't know what was going on. In the book of Mark, Mark also writes about this particular situation, and in Mark 4:28 it says the disciples actually question Jesus and asked him "Teacher, don't you care that we are going to drown?". And as you can read above they had no reason to question him at all, because he had control all along.

I find this story really comforting, because I have really struggled lately with trusting God and trusting he is in control. These last weeks I have really learned to trust God. Everything will turn out all right. I don't need to be angry at him for not healing me, I think I even blamed him for not stopping me get ill. I questioned him! I'm being treated now, and I will get better. Even though I didn't understand what God was doing, it didn't mean he was doing nothing! I have no idea what would of happened if I hadn't prayed for help. We will never know how many disasters God has saved us from, if you think about it that way. I know that God is in control over my situation and illness. It turned out that is wasn't something serious, even is emotionally though being ill, I trust God to get me through it. I trust that God hears all the prayers. I have always known that God has control, but this week I realized that even though it was clear in my head, my heart still didn't know God was in control. I will be healed, i trust that. It is important to apologize when we are mad at God or question him.

If you are in a though situation like that, please don't give up on God. He is helping you, he truly wants what is best for you. Trust him! I have know that it is easier said than done. So if you feel it's hard to trust God is in control or hard to trust he will get you through it, pray that he will help your heart realize that you can trust him and he is in control! There is nothing you can't pray about. I pray all the time that i will trust even more in the Lord. And say thanks that we can trust him. If you genially want to trust the Lord, he sees that. He is never mad at us for not trusting him. So pray, pray, pray! And I will gladly pray for you too if you want, just post below or send an e-mail :)

Here is on of my favourite songs to listen to when I feel down. Lately I have also listen alot to the Norwegian song "Du er den" by Impuls, but the song is so new I couldn't find it.


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