Monday, 31 January 2011

NOW is the time!

Don't be sitting around waiting to grow up! God wants to use you now! 

And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. 1 timothy 4:12 (The Message)

Don't think that "I'm too young" or "Nobody will listen to me" or "God doesn't want to use me yet", That is all lies that the devil planted to scare this generation! Because the devil is scared of us, because he knows that God has such great plans for us. You are not too young or little to be a christian, so why should you be too young to serve God? Don't be scared, God is just as much with you as with any other adult speakers or worshippers or missionaries. Let's be young people that have such a strong faith and such a rejoicing heart and such a hunger for Jesus! Pray this over your life :D

One of my christian buddies once said "I am just a little boy"
Then I said "To God you are more than a little boy, you are his son that he loves really much"

And I just want to remind you and encourage you with that to!  YOU ARE NOT JUST A LITTLE GIRL/BOY! You are God's child! He chose you, made you and loves you. He gave you skills, know how, talents, good qualities and ability! Use them! 

If you like music can join the worship band in church or write songs or start a christian dance group. If you like art you can make a painting that express a christian message. If you like talking (like me ha ha) you can share at your church or youth group or for friends. If you like sports you can start a sports group with your church. If you are compassionate you can comfort people and pray for them. If you are a leader or a pioneer you can start a christian groups or help out in existing ones. There is just so much many more things you can do that I can't think of. Those are just examples! You can do so much more. Ask God what your talents and gifts are and what he wants you to use them for! 

I feel like one of my gifts is wisdom. And i never really got to use it much before, I just thought a lot to myself and didn't share it. I think God wanted me to use these gifts to serve him. So I decided to start a blog because I love writing and I wanted to share some of my thoughts. I used to think: "when I get older I'll write christian books, so I'll just wait until then". And that is still one of my dreams, but this little blog is a great way to start.  I also have shared at some prayer meetings me and my friends do at school and my goal this year is to preach at a youth meeting in my church. Make goals for yourself to, but not just goals for ten years. Goals for now! Ask God to lead you, he will.

So don't wait! Start now! Go for it! God is cheering you on like crazy! 

 Be a missionary at your school! Tell your friends about Jesus and be a witness for him! Share your testimony at church and be a good friend. 
comment some ideas on how to witness to your friends. (comments can be anonymous)

lots of cheering-you-on-love xx

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Why pray? part 1: Relationship

Hey guys, I haven't forgotten you! Final year of School is so hard. Both getting good grades and picking the right school for next year. AAAAaaah! I'm so confused! But anyways, today's topic is why pray. I'm gonna do this in three parts.

1. Relationship

2. Responsibility

3. Warfare (sounds dramatic but I'll explain later)

So the first reason to pray is relationship with God. For me relationship with God is very very very important. The gospel says we are reconciled with God and that we can have a relationship with him.  I have already posted a bit about why we should have a relationship with God (read it here), So I thought I would write more about how we can get to know God.

So lets pretend you meet this super awesome guy. And you're like wow, I need to get to know this guy! So what do you do?

1. You talk to him
2. You stalk him on facebook (Just admit it, I was not the only one that got a heart attack when the "Top Friends" trend started :P)

Just like you would talk to somebody in real life to get to know them better, you can pray to God and get to know him better. Praying does not have to be all formal, talk to him like you talk with your close friend. And the best part about this is that talking to God is that it's not awkward like talking to a boy. He already knows who you are. So you don't need to pretend around him, you can be completely yourself. Because he made you that way and he LOVES YOU that way. Just the way you are. So come to him just the way you are, thats's more than enough.

 And you don't need to worry about if he wants to get to know you or likes you (like with guys hahaha). Because you already know that God is just longing to have a relationship with you and already loves you so much! So just be honest and yourself when you pray, God sees everything anyway. And because he sees everything that goes on in your life and all your  thoughts, he understands you like no one else ever can! He truly understands you!

Now to the facebook thing I mentioned. Comparing facebook to the bible is impossible, and not what i'm doing! My point is that when we stalk people on facebook we try to find out more about them. We look through their profile again and again. Even when we know we have seen everything we do it again and find something new. Girls are serious facebook stalkers, but lets be bible stalkers! Lets stalk God in the bible, ha ha ha! I wan't to be desperate to find out stuff about God. I want to read things over and over and it's still interesting. Let's all stalk God and find out more about him!

So stay tuned for part 2 and 3. I won't post they all in a row, because that kinda boring, right?

So remember that YOU ARE PRECIOUS stalkers of God (and he loves when you stalk him)
Post me a comment with your favorite bible verse and what it means to you (you can be anonymous) :)
Lots of love <3

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Reading the bible

Reading the bible can be hard, sometimes it can feel boring or hard to understand. And hard to know where to start. You can ask the Holy Spirit to help you to read the bible and for understanding.

It is important to read the bible because:
- it's The word of God
- it's the will of God
- it's a love letter from our daddy to us
- it's a promise book
- it's an instruction book for how to best live life
- it shows how God reveals himself and initiates a relationship with us

A great tip on how to make reading the bible more interesting and how to study the bible is to ask these questions:

- What does this scripture say about God?
- What does this scripture say about Jesus?
- What does this scripture say about Me?
- Is there a promise in this scripture?

If you haven't really read in the bible much before, here are some suggestions on where to get started:

The Gospel of Mark is the easiest gospel to get started with.

Or anywhere you want!

sites like will let you see different translations of the bible. Some of the easiest to understand are The Message, New International Version and New Living Translation. They have more modern language.

Hugs xx

Little update:
I'm still struggling with negative thoughts and hard choices.
I don't feel welcome among my friends in my youth group at church,
and being a teenage girl there is always a boy problem. ha ha
Any tips?

Saturday, 22 January 2011

God is always here!

I feel bad posting another boring personal post. Things are getting tough and I'm defiantly at some crossroads. I'm getting increasingly frustrated, so what to do?

I RUN TO THE CROSS. God is here and he can see me lying in my bed typing.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28

Sometimes I find it hard to focus and pray. That is when it is important to pray much. When I feel unmotivated I must remember that God always listens. God doesn't always reply to our prayers they way we think he will. He sees way more than us and understands way more than us. He works on a different level than we do. We don't always understand what he's up to, but trust him! He knows whats best for us, and wants what is best for us. And me being a selfish person (all humans have a level of selfishness, but I must admit I need to practice ha ha) I want whats best for me.

I'm sorry for bad blogging! but maybe you can relate to how life goes up and down? I don't know. I promise I'll post a better post tomorrow.

lots of love, hope you know that we all have ups and downs!
Keep telling yourself that tomorrow will be better!

Friday, 21 January 2011

One of my fav songs!

Hey, still working on that other post that now has turned out to be a three part series. Ha ha, I think I learn more from this blog than anyone, exploring this topic has been exciting and I've learned alot. So check back for that ;)

So I wanted to post some lyrics that have meant alot to me. Even if you know the lyrics read them through again, and think about what it actually says.

Hillsong - All I need is you

Left my fear by the side of the road
Hear You speak
Won't let go
Fall to my knees as I lift my hands to pray

Got every reason to be here again
Father's love that draws me in
And all my eyes wanna see is a glimpse of You

All I need is You
All I need is You Lord
Is you Lord

One more day and it's not the same
Your spirit calls my heart to sing
Drawn to the voice of my Saviour once again
Where would my soul be without Your Son
Gave His life to save the earth
Rest in the thought that You're watching over me

All I need is You
All I need is You Lord
Is You Lord

You hold the universe
You hold everyone on earth
You hold the universe
You hold
You hold

All I need is You
All I need is You Lord
Is You Lord 

ALL we need is God! Wow! Think about what we are actually singing. What does it mean that the only thing we need is God? ALL we need is God. That's a huge statement. I think I'll leave it there, so it's a bit open for your own thoughts.

youtube link for the song:

hugs and smiles <3

Thursday, 20 January 2011


Hey guys! I was going post something else today but I think I ned some more time to pray and think a bit more about that post. But can't leave the blog blank can I? So I'm just sitting here thinking about what to write.

 So... had a good day? I have had a quite exciting day. Last saturday me and my friend (who is awesome!  thank God for good friends they mean a lot! and if you don't feel like any friends, just know you're not alone, many people feel lonely. I used to always be left out and had no good christian friends, but then I prayed like crazy and now I'm really blessed. Just remember that you are an amazing person! There is nothing wrong with you. Jesus is the best friend in the world and he wants to be your friend more than anybody.)

Wow that was a looong little extra there. But yeah, where was I?  Last saturday me and friend evangelized on the street. We gave out fathers love letters (check out my post on january 11th to see what fathers love letter is) and buns (Don't quite know what they're called, mum's suggestion was: tea cakes! ha ha hurray for British mums <3 ). And today one of my sisters said that last sunday somebody told his entire church about two girls that was giving out "tea cakes" and he read the letter for the hole church. I was so excited!! Thank you God for using me to encourage people! I remember telling my friend that if only ONE person read the note, and the rest just threw it away, the trip would be successful. And now I find out that a hole church got the note. WOW! God is amazing! God can do such big things!

And God wants to use you as well. Don't think you're too little or stupid or young or not talented. God made you just the way you are. He has great plans for you. Talk to your friends, or go out in the streets, get involved with your church or a ministry and serve God almighty! It will fill you with joy.  Be a testimony for Jesus.  ( Mark 16: 15-18)

And another thing that made me happy is my first comment! YAY! Thank you anonymous for my first comment on this blog! You made my week <3 I really appreciate comments! (that was a hint :P)

Well that was a kind of... weird post with lots of brackets (parenthesises). But I hope you got something out of it.

lots of love and happy doodles xx
Remember that you are precious!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

"If there was no heaven or hell...

... would you still walk with Jesus?"

I wanted to say yes, I really wanted to say yes. but I didn't know for sure. Suddenly I felt really bad like; Oh My Gosh, I don't really love God. I Just love that he saved me from hell. I started to freak out and just started praying like crazy that God would help me to love him. It was like the preacher read my thoughts because she continued by saying that the more we get to know God personally as our loving father and friend, the more we fall in love with him. The more we experience that he always takes care of us and ALWAYS is faithful, the more we love him.

It's really like any relationship; we can meet someone and admire them, you still need to take the time and get to know the person. The more you find out the person, the more you love. That day I decided to get to know God more personally. I want to love God for different things. For what he has done for me, but also for his character, for who he is.

So that what was on my heart today, I encourage you to have a personal relationship with God, you won't regret it. And I can tell you this he is just LONGING for you to get to know him. He really wants a relationship with you.

And to end this posts one of my favourite quotes: "Christianity is not a Religion, it's a Relationship"

Monday, 17 January 2011

What do you want to create?

Today I'm going to take yesterday's subject a little further, I wrote about how negativity affects ourselves, and now lets take a look at how it affects people around us. I used to have a really good science teacher that would share something and pray with us in the mornings at school (I go to a christian school). cool,  right? And I'd just like to share with you some things he said.

We are all made in God's image. God is the greatest creator of all time. Just look around! He created so many great things; trees, mountains, animals and YOU. Just to mention some. Being made in his image we are all natural creators. And you maybe thinking: "But I'm not all that good at art or music or design". But believe me, all humans are creative in different ways. That was a little bonus encouragement, because what I really wanted to talk about is that humans create all the time. 24/7.  Right now you are creating something. "We create atmospheres around us." as my teacher used to say. So what those that mean? It means that the words you say, your body language, your attitude and behavior influences the people around you. 

So you can choose what kind of an atmosphere you want to create. How do you want the people around you to feel? You can spread insecurity and negativity or you can spread joy and excitement. Some people reflect God's love and goodness, but sadly others, not intensionally, spread bitterness.

I'm not saying you can never have a bad day again and you can't express your true feelings. But be aware and conscious about what atmosphere you are creating. 

Lots of love and smiles <3

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Sunday Blues?

The weekend has come and gone and on monday it's school again. Are you dreading this new week? School can be challenging both socially and academically.  haha, I sounded kind of grown up there, but you get my point, right? Sometimes school sucks. And I can honestly say I don't really look forwards to it, who does? But that is the wrong way to think. Instead of freaking out over a test or a fight with a friend, try to think about something good to look forward to. If you feel like there is nothing good, try to appreciate the smallest things. Thankfulness is important, and even if you are having a really bad day try to thank God for what you have. Pray that God will help you deal with the bad stuff, because he really is with you and wants you to be happy.  I'm so happy that I get a tomorrow, let's be grateful for every new day God gives us.

psalm 118:24  "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Matthew 20:28 "And surely I am with you each and every day until the end of the age.

I hope this made you feel better about tomorrow. Remember that the bible is always a good place to look if you need encouragement!
and like my mummy says; bless bless!

Friday, 14 January 2011

I'd love to hear from you!

E-mail address:

I'd think it would be totally cool if you wanted share your testimony. Your story could be so inspirational to others. I won't post it on the blog if you don't want to, and I won't put your name. It's a big step and if you are not ready to share your story that is totally ok.

But you don't just need to send me testimonies, You can basically send me anything; your thoughts on christian topics, how it is to be christian at your school, posts you'd like see, things you want me to pray for,  advice, maybe you have a post you want me to publish or anything else thats on your heart.

I'd love to hear from you, and would be totally stoked and I'll try to give good replies. 

Remember you are precious <3
big hug and lots of love

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Dare to be different!

In today's society there is a lot of pressure to look a certain way, act a certain way, be like everybody else and not stand out. At school it is hard to fit in with the popular crowd. Sometimes we feel like we have to change who we are and try to fit in by being like everyone else. I just want to encourage you to dare to be yourself. And guess what? You are NOT like everybody else. You were created by God, he made you special. If he wanted you to be like everybody else, he would of made you like everybody else. But he didn't. He has chosen everything about you, he doesn't want you to change yourself. He made you to stand out! He never duplicates, nobody is like you. You are a custom made, limited edition, one of the kind and irreplaceable beeing. You were made with a purpose! God has a great plan for your life, he custom made you for that plan. ONLY you can do what he has called you to. He is the one that gave you your dreams, gifts, talents, good qualities,  the environment you grow up in, appearance and everything else about you. No mistakes or coincidences. You are so special and REALLY REALLY PRECIOUS!

 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" Jeremiah 1:5

A one of a kind diamond is more precious than a plain stone who you can find anywhere. So don't let anyone tell you to be a stone. ha ha, that sounded weird, but you get what I mean. Just dare to be different. Dare to be christian even though people say it's not cool or whatever. I know it is so much easier to just go with the flow, but is it worth it? What's the point of friends that don't know who you really are? They are your real friends if you are not the real you. And like I said you are so incredibly special. Too special and precious to be wasted on people that don't love you as the amazing person God created you to be. Be yourself, even though it's hard. God will help you out in the tough moments. If people don't like you the way you are it's their loss. They are the ones that miss out one you! Don't listen to what others say about your different-ness. Look at what God says about you instead.

 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

Lots of love xoxox

PS. did I mention that you are extremely precious?

Monday, 10 January 2011

How to deal with mean people

Hi everyone. Sorry for not posting in a while, but I've been really ill with the flu and a fever. Hopefully I'm better now.

Us teenagers encounter mean people all the time. All people do. Maybe you're encountering mean people at school, or at home, or at work or some other place.  We have all experienced being hurt by others. There is nobody on this planet that has not been hurt in any way. I'm also sorry to say that you will be hurt again many times in the future.

 "We are desperately hurt by people who really really really wanted to love you but they just didn't know how to."

When somebody is mean to us or hurt us we have a choice: we can act in forgiveness and walk away or we can act out of  judgement and insecurity. When we react badly to the hurt we completely forget that the very things we're upset someone did to us, are the very things we do to others. Because you see hurt people hurt people.

Matt. 14:6: For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you

 I'm not saying that it is okay that people hurt you. Forgiveness does not mean that you approve of what has been done to you. Hurting people is wrong no matter what. What I'm trying to say is that super confident popular girl that insulted you in the hall this morning might be hurting on the inside or very insecure. Ever thought about that? And if you don't forgive an bear a grudge you actually just hurt yourself more. You don't need to walk around with wounds feeling hurt and angry, you can lay all that on the cross.

Leviticus 19:18: Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.  

Hugs xxxooo