Monday, 17 January 2011

What do you want to create?

Today I'm going to take yesterday's subject a little further, I wrote about how negativity affects ourselves, and now lets take a look at how it affects people around us. I used to have a really good science teacher that would share something and pray with us in the mornings at school (I go to a christian school). cool,  right? And I'd just like to share with you some things he said.

We are all made in God's image. God is the greatest creator of all time. Just look around! He created so many great things; trees, mountains, animals and YOU. Just to mention some. Being made in his image we are all natural creators. And you maybe thinking: "But I'm not all that good at art or music or design". But believe me, all humans are creative in different ways. That was a little bonus encouragement, because what I really wanted to talk about is that humans create all the time. 24/7.  Right now you are creating something. "We create atmospheres around us." as my teacher used to say. So what those that mean? It means that the words you say, your body language, your attitude and behavior influences the people around you. 

So you can choose what kind of an atmosphere you want to create. How do you want the people around you to feel? You can spread insecurity and negativity or you can spread joy and excitement. Some people reflect God's love and goodness, but sadly others, not intensionally, spread bitterness.

I'm not saying you can never have a bad day again and you can't express your true feelings. But be aware and conscious about what atmosphere you are creating. 

Lots of love and smiles <3

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