Monday, 31 January 2011

NOW is the time!

Don't be sitting around waiting to grow up! God wants to use you now! 

And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. 1 timothy 4:12 (The Message)

Don't think that "I'm too young" or "Nobody will listen to me" or "God doesn't want to use me yet", That is all lies that the devil planted to scare this generation! Because the devil is scared of us, because he knows that God has such great plans for us. You are not too young or little to be a christian, so why should you be too young to serve God? Don't be scared, God is just as much with you as with any other adult speakers or worshippers or missionaries. Let's be young people that have such a strong faith and such a rejoicing heart and such a hunger for Jesus! Pray this over your life :D

One of my christian buddies once said "I am just a little boy"
Then I said "To God you are more than a little boy, you are his son that he loves really much"

And I just want to remind you and encourage you with that to!  YOU ARE NOT JUST A LITTLE GIRL/BOY! You are God's child! He chose you, made you and loves you. He gave you skills, know how, talents, good qualities and ability! Use them! 

If you like music can join the worship band in church or write songs or start a christian dance group. If you like art you can make a painting that express a christian message. If you like talking (like me ha ha) you can share at your church or youth group or for friends. If you like sports you can start a sports group with your church. If you are compassionate you can comfort people and pray for them. If you are a leader or a pioneer you can start a christian groups or help out in existing ones. There is just so much many more things you can do that I can't think of. Those are just examples! You can do so much more. Ask God what your talents and gifts are and what he wants you to use them for! 

I feel like one of my gifts is wisdom. And i never really got to use it much before, I just thought a lot to myself and didn't share it. I think God wanted me to use these gifts to serve him. So I decided to start a blog because I love writing and I wanted to share some of my thoughts. I used to think: "when I get older I'll write christian books, so I'll just wait until then". And that is still one of my dreams, but this little blog is a great way to start.  I also have shared at some prayer meetings me and my friends do at school and my goal this year is to preach at a youth meeting in my church. Make goals for yourself to, but not just goals for ten years. Goals for now! Ask God to lead you, he will.

So don't wait! Start now! Go for it! God is cheering you on like crazy! 

 Be a missionary at your school! Tell your friends about Jesus and be a witness for him! Share your testimony at church and be a good friend. 
comment some ideas on how to witness to your friends. (comments can be anonymous)

lots of cheering-you-on-love xx

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